Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas 2008- Our house

Because we visited all our family both in Texas and in California this year, we celebrated our own Christmas on December 16th. The kids were so excited and enjoyed each of the gifts.

Mason has caught the airplane "fever". He knows that most of the planes that we see over our house are either flying into Van Nuys or Burbank. Smart boy!
Grammie and GrandBud gave them the train set, which has afforded hours of playtime for us all.
The Lord has given us two precious gifts and each day seems to afford new surprises with them. So, it's Christmas every day at our house!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Christmas on Dec. 16th works! I think Christmas should be every month on the 16th! :)

The children's smiles said all the joy and thanks this Grammie and GranBud needed!

I would like to play with the planes and the trains....can I come over some time and play?

Precious photos....and Jay was looking pretty great himself!

Loved having you, Steph, and the two little precious angels at the house for too short a time, but I am grateful for every smile, laugh, and hug! Memories live on!
