Friday, December 18, 2009

Kindergarten starts

One of those snapshots of your life: your first child's first day of Kindergarten. Wow. It was fun, it was scary, it was all new but exactly what we expected. Madeline loves school and her wonderful teacher Mrs. McNeil.
Mason kept asking if he could get his backpack and go to school, too. Mom's not quite ready to have him leave the house yet, though.
One of the best days of school was when Gramma went with Madeline and helped in her classroom.
This is Gramma hard at work tracing and cutting those fabulous art projects the kids will work on. Thanks, Gramma.
Before school Madeline likes to play in the sand outside her classroom. I sure wish I could still squat down like that.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Congratulations, Madeline! You are a really big girl now! I am so proud of you!
Good to see Gramma in has been a while, I bet, but she looks like a natural!
Good job, Gramma!
Steph, you can sit like Madeline is in the last picture, but it is the getting up that might be a challenge! Give it a try!